Friday 16 September 2011

Flying start for the new Honda Civic

Take a look at some of the press photos from Frankfurt and you'll see some cars that make the Batmobile look low-tech: it's pretty easy to make a car look interesting if it's a concept vehicle decades away from production - stick a jet pack on the back or use doors that open upwards and someone is bound to take an interest. Getting people interested in a 'real' car though, one that will be in showrooms in 2012 and actually has to work, is a different prospect.

However, round the corner from the main exhibition, Honda unveiled the latest addition to its range - the 2012 Civic - to a packed house. Somehow, the car was suspended from the ceiling, and a sheet was dramatically removed in a pretty special unveiling in front of the assembled great and good of the motor industry.

The open mouths (and coverage) say it all, and by all accounts the event was a huge success. Hats off to the guys at Honda – although impressive and necessary for the big occasion, the new Civic doesn’t really need the grand entrance. We’ve seen it first hand and it’s a cracker in its own right – it’ll certainly fly once more come 2012.

Monday 12 September 2011

The World (except Brazil, of course) Turns to Rugby...

The seventh Rugby World Cup is upon us. Joy for rugby fans, not so much for everyone else... Being an Englishman (Sean) with only an interest in victory when it comes to anything other than football, I’ll pick it up at the semi-final stage. But we have some expert pundits amongst our client base so after discussions of car insurance, whisky and peer-to-peer lending, discussion turned to the sport I know little about. I fancy the Americans this year! But what did everyone else think? The reading is interesting...

Robin Reames, chief claims officer at AXA and
  • Winner: All Blacks (I think that’s New Zealand)
  • Player to watch: Zac Guildford
  • And the home nations: Scotland don’t make it past the pool. England and Ireland lose in the quarter finals. Wales surprise everyone and lose in the semis
Jade Trimbee, marketing manager at
  • Winner: South Africa (what a surprise, Ms South Africa...)
  • Player to watch: Tendai Mtawarira (The Beast)
  • And the home nations: Wales make it to the semis. Scotland and Ireland knocked out in the quarter finals. England lose in final to South Africa!
Elizabeth Obee, head of business marketing at Funding Circle
  • Winner: Australia (one guess where you’re from…)
  • Player to watch: Sekope Kepu
  • And the home nations: Fairly well…close to Australia’s form but not enough to beat them!
Nigel Short, chairman at Penderyn
  • Winner: Australia
  • Player to watch: George North
  • And the home nations: Not well, the Welsh and English being the biggest let downs
John Carter, captain of Oxford and ex Sale Sharks
  • Winner: New Zealand
  • Player to watch: Rory Lamont
  • And the home nations: Ireland and England will do well...not sure about the rest!
Tim Stevens, general manager at Oxford University RFU
  • Winner: Australia
  • Player to watch: Will Genia
  • And the home nations: All to qualify from their groups, but only one semi-finalist
Mark Davies, managing director at Scarlets
  • Winner: All Blacks (New Zealand)
  • Player to watch: Dan Carter
  • And the home nations: England to semis, Wales to quarters
Joshua Van Raalte, managing director at Brazil
  • Winner: New Zealand (with a wife from Timaru, NZ, he can't say anything contrary)
  • Player to watch: Israel Dagg
  • And the home nations: Not very well. Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England all out in the quarters
So, it looks like a New Zealand (or Oz) v Wales final! I’ve sure there would be a bottle or two of Penderyn drank in Wales if that was the case...