Friday 21 November 2008

What can you do in 60 seconds?

Brazil has been watching the clock this week, questioning what can be achieved in 60 seconds.

For, Brazil launched a viral email and online competition, challenging people to upload 60 second videos showing the most useful thing to do in less than a minute, with the best or funniest one winning a year’s free car insurance.

The competition is part of the Swift Relief campaign, designed to help consumers have stress-free experience and provide them with tips and hints for an easier life.

If it’s difficult it’s worth doing…

In May, the first ever live TV advert was shown, featuring an amazing spectacle of 19 skydivers, spelling the word Honda in mid-air. Jumping from 14,000 ft over Madrid the team had three minutes, 20 seconds to form the letters during an advert break on Thursday, 29th May at 8.10pm.

Brazil was responsible for the PR of this unique advert, gaining blanket media coverage in all the UK national newspapers and lengthy radio interviews for Honda on BBC Radio 2, 4 and Five Live.

Tuesday 18 November 2008

Welcome to the Brazil Blog

Welcome to the new Brazil Public Relations blog