Friday 14 August 2009

Honda UK and Brazil Partner With Traackr To Launch The Honda Insight

What does a major car company do when launching a brand new model at a time when car sales are at an all time low and communications budgets are slashed?Honda UK decided to use this very gloomy environment to take its first steps into Social Media.

The result?

The best yield possible on their communication dollars.

Traackr Builds Honda's Top Influencer List
Honda UK and their forward-looking PR agency, Brazil, understood that the first step in any successful Social Media campaign is finding the right people to engage. Traackr's proprietary influencer search and qualification technology was used to uncover a targeted list of Top Influencers driving conversations around hybrid vehicles, alternative energy, the environment, and green technology.

Traackr not only uncovered unconventional and valuable influencers, but also gave Honda UK a clearer understanding of what types of conversations would impact their launch as well as where those conversations were taking place.

Traackr's technology also demonstrated that many clean energy online opinion leaders were actually based outside the UK, which led Honda and Brazil to develop a coordinated international PR effort to engage these individuals.

Honda UK, Brazil and Traackr Collaborate To Build Honda's Influencer Engagement Strategy
As part of its influencer report, Traackr tagged influencers by location and topics of interest, as well provided detailed information on what conversations each influencer was most interested in.

While Brazil led the development of a highly customized communication plan catering to specific influencers, Honda UK coordinated across countries, and continents, to make sure internationally-based influencers would be reached.

Data Backed Engagement Proved Highly Effective
As Brazil and Honda UK launched into the execution of their influencer engagement plan, Traackr provided weekly performance reports, allowing Brazil to instantly see the successes or failures of their approach.

Based on these reports, the engagement strategies were adjusted, re-executed, and re-measured on a regular basis.

Traackr's reports showed that mentions of the Honda Insight among the top influencers increased by 300% during the engagement campaign and estimated online coverage increased by 675%!

Insight Launches And Overtakes Prius As #1 Hybrid Car In The UK
The ultimate results of this campaign were wildly positive. Even with very little mass-market spending, the Insight launched as the top selling hybrid in the UK.

For more on the campaign results and find out what influencers said about Honda, read the full story here.

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